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为了从能量学的角度解释流域水力侵蚀的空间分布情况,选取可以更好表示流域下垫面条件、降雨及其产生的径流对水力侵蚀综合作用的径流侵蚀功率,以宁夏回族自治区水土流失严重的清水河流域为研究对象,基于SWAT模型模拟研究了清水河流域年径流侵蚀功率的空间分布特征及其空间尺度效应。结果表明:(1)清水河流域多年平均径流侵蚀功率在流域内呈现“支流大,干流小; 东部大,西部小”的空间分布规律;(2)当子流域出口断面控制面积小于4 000 km2时,子流域多年平均径流侵蚀功率与子流域出口断面集水面积间呈显著的幂函数关系; 当子流域出口断面集水面积大于4 000 km2时,子流域多年平均径流侵蚀功率稳定在1.56×10-5 m4/(s·km2)左右;(3)优先选择处于清水河上中游区域且出口断面集水面积小于84.85 km2的小流域进行生态治理,可取得良好的水土流失治理效果。因此径流侵蚀功率具有一定空间分布规律且与流域集水面积间具有显著相关关系,掌握这一规律和相关关系可为流域生态治理提供理论支持。  相似文献   
Sertoli cells are the only somatic cells in the seminiferous epithelium which directly contact with germ cells. Sertoli cells exhibit polarized alignment at the basal membrane of seminiferous tubules to maintain the microenvironment for growth and development of germ cells, and therefore play a crucial role in spermatogenesis. Androgens exert their action through androgen receptor (AR) and AR signalling in the testis is essential for maintenance of spermatogonial numbers, blood–testis barrier integrity, completion of meiosis, adhesion of spermatids and spermiation. In the present study, we demonstrated that AR gene could promote the proliferation of immature porcine Sertoli cells (ST cells) and the cell cycle procession, and accelerate the transition from G1 phase into S phase in ST cells. Meanwhile, miR-124a could affect the proliferation and cell cycle procession of ST cells by targeting 3′-UTR of AR gene. Furthermore, AR bound to the RNF4 via AR DNA-binding domain (DBD) and we verified that RNF4 was necessary for AR to regulate the growth of ST cells. Above all, this study suggests that AR regulates ST cell growth via binding to RNF4 and miR-124a, which may help us to further understand the function of AR in spermatogenesis.  相似文献   
干旱荒漠区4种一年生植物种子萌发期耐盐性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用不同浓度的NaCl溶液对4种一年生草本植物雾冰藜(Bassia dasyphylla)、白茎盐生草(Halogeton arachnoideus)、沙米(Agriophyllum squarrosum)和画眉草(Eragrostis pilosa)种子进行处理,通过测定种子相对发芽率、相对发芽势、发芽指数等指标,分析了种子萌发期耐盐差异性。结果表明:1)随着NaCl溶液浓度的增大,种子发芽率呈逐渐下降的趋势,在蒸馏水中第3天达到了发芽高峰,发芽基本结束,在NaCl溶液中第7天结束发芽。2)随NaCl溶液浓度逐渐增大,4种植物种子发芽率和发芽势均呈先增加后降低的趋势,同一植物种子发芽率和发芽势在不同浓度NaCl溶液中存在显著差异(P<0.05)。NaCl溶液浓度对白茎盐生草种子发芽率和发芽势影响较大,画眉草次之,其余两种较小。3)随NaCl溶液浓度逐渐增大,4种植物种子发芽指数呈下降趋势,雾冰藜活力指数显著高于白茎盐生草、沙米和画眉草种子;盐胁迫对画眉草发芽指数和活力指数影响较大,当NaCl溶液浓度达到2.1%时,幼苗活力指数降到最低。4)4种植物幼苗长度均随NaCl浓度增大表现出先增加后快速降低的趋势,0~0.3%NaCl浓度有促进幼苗生长的作用。0.6%及以上NaCl溶液浓度对画眉草幼苗长度产生了较大影响,而0.9%及以上NaCl溶液浓度对雾冰藜、白茎盐生草和沙米幼苗长度影响较大。综合各项指标分析表明,4种一年生植物种子萌发期耐盐性大小依次为沙米>雾冰藜>画眉草>白茎盐生草,根据发芽率、发芽势、幼苗长度等指标综合分析,最适宜萌发NaCl浓度分别为雾冰藜0~0.6%、白茎盐生草0~0.6%、沙米0~0.9%、画眉草0~0.6%。  相似文献   
根据360块标准地193株解析木资料,采用Chapman-Richards函数和二次项方程分别模拟平均树高和平均胸径的生长过程,运用迭代法分指数编制了湖北省马尾松人工林林分生长过程表。经预测检验,精度很高,可应用于湖北省马尾松人工林的经营。  相似文献   
为了判别灰色模型与灰色马尔科夫模型哪一个更适合于降雨量的预测,以山西省寿阳县蔡庄水库为研究对象,通过灰色模拟、无偏灰色模拟、滑动无偏灰色模拟3种模拟方法对研究区40a的降雨量进行数值模拟,比较了3种方法的精确程度。选出最优方法,将精度最高的滑动无偏灰色模型辅以马尔科夫模型,形成灰色马尔科夫模型,再与灰色模型作对比较,判断其精度。结果表明,灰色模型对于长期预测和波动性较大的数据列拟合效果较差,灰色马尔科夫模型能够更好地适应数据的波动性,模拟效果更好。因此,在改进灰色模型的基础上辅以马尔科夫模型,形成改进的灰色马尔科夫模型,发挥出灰色模型与马尔科夫模型各自的优点,达到了更好的模拟效果。  相似文献   
[目的]建立砂梨抗枝干轮纹病的鉴定方法.[方法]采用轮纹病菌菌丝块、分生孢子悬浮液分别以离体和活体接种砂梨1年生枝条,比较发病时间、发病率、调查时间和接种工作量,并采用菌丝块针刺接种活体枝条的方法对德胜香×西子绿的223株F1代群体进行抗性评价.[结果]以菌丝块针刺法接种活体枝条发病率高、接种效果最好,可充分评价梨树对枝干轮纹病的抗性.采用菌丝块针刺接种活体枝条的方法,德胜香×西子绿的223株F1代群体中高抗单株有33株,抗性单株有41株,中抗单株有83株,感病单株有31株,高感单株有35株.[结论]试验结果为砂梨抗枝干轮纹病育种提供了参考.  相似文献   
Summary Inoculating the roots of potato cvs Ostara, Laila, Kerrs Pink, and Pimpernel withCorynebacterium sepedonicum caused severe rotting of tubers and between 12 and 51 % decrease in yield. There was a significant cultivar/infection interaction. The numbers of tubers decreased significantly except for cv. Laila, which also showed little rotting of tubers, and the average tuber weight decreased most in cv. Pimpernel. The concentration ofC. sepedonicum was high in most inoculated tubers including those not showing symptoms.
Zusammenfassung Wurzeln von gekeimten Saatknollen der Sorten Ostara, Laila, Kerrs Pink und Pimpernel wurden durch Tauchen in Suspensionen vonCorynebacterium sepedonicum inokuliert. Dies erbrachte einen betr?chtlichen und signifikanten Ertragsrückgang, vor allem bei der Sorte Pimpernel (Tabelle 1); desweiteren zeigte sich eine signifikante Sorte/Infektion-Wechselwirkung. Inokulation ergab, mit Ausnahme von Laila, eine signifikante Senkung der durchschnittlichen Knollenzahl (Tabelle 2); am gr?ssten war der Rückgang bei Kerrs Pink, w?hrend das durchschnittliche Knollengewicht am meisten zurückging bei Pimpernel (Tabelle 3). Der Ertragsrückgang bei Laila erfolgte durch Reduktion des durchschnittlichen Knollengewichtes, bei den anderen Sorten jedoch durch Rückgang der durchschnittlichen Knollenzahl. Diese Beobachtung l?sst darauf schliessen dass die Entwicklung der Infektion bei Laila nach der Knollen-Initiierung einsetzte, w?hrend sie bei den anderen Sorten schon früher einsetzte und somit die Knollenzahl beeinflusste. Im Gegensatz zu den anderen Sorten zeigten einige Tochterknollen von Laila ?ussere Symptome, in Verbindung mit starker F?ule, w?hrend in der Entwicklung interner Symptome nur geringe Unterschiede zwischen den Sorten gefunden wurden (Tabelle 4). Dennoch waren die Konzentrationen vonC. sepedonicum in den meisten symptomlosen Tochterknollen inokulierter Pflanzen hoch (Tabelle 4). Die Ergebnisse zeigen dass die Sorte Laila gegen eineC. sepedonicum-Infektion resistenter als die anderen geprüften Sorten ist, dass jedoch hohe Konzentrationen des Erregers in symptomlosen Knollen von inokulierten Pflanzen gegen eine Verwendung bei der Züchtung sprechen.

Résumé Des racines de tubercules de semence germés (variétés Ostara, Laila, Kerrs Pink et Pimpernel) sont inoculées par immersion dans des suspensions deCorynebacterium sepedonicum. Cela provoque une diminution conéquente et significative du rendement, en particulier pour la variété Pimpernel (tableau 1), et il existe une interaction significative variété/infection. L'inoculation diminue significativement le nombre moyen de tubercules (tableau 2) sauf pour la variété Laila; la diminution est la plus importante pour la variété Kerrs Pink, tandis que le poids moyen de tubercules diminue le plus pour la variété Pimpernel (tableau 3). La diminution du rendement pour la variété Laila est provoquée par une réduction du poids de tubercules. Cette observation suggère que le développement de l'infection pour la variété Laila débute après l'initiation de tubérisation, alors que pour les autres variétés, elle commence plus t?t et de ce fait influence le nombre de tubercules. Peu de tubercules fils de la variété Laila montrent des sympt?mes externes associés à une pourriture importante en comparaison avec les autres variétés, alors que de petites différences s'observent entre toutes les variétés au niveau du développement de sympt?mes internes (tableau 4). Les concentrations deC. sepedonicum sont cependant élevées dans la plupart des tubercules fils ne présentant pas de sympt?mes et provenant de plantes inoculées (tableau 4). Les résultats montrent que la variété Laila est plus résistante à l'infection deC. sepedonicum que les autres variétés testées, mais les fortes concentrations du pathogène dans les tubercules sans sympt?me provenant de plantes inoculées empêchent son utilisation en multiplication.
Enhanced carbon fixation in soil crusts may facilitate the restoration of damaged ecosystems, but this requires greater knowledge of carbon fixation patterns and mechanisms. We measured the net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and estimated annual carbon fixation (ACF) in cyanobacterial–algal crusts after desert fixation in the Tengger Desert, northwestern China. The accumulated carbon fixation since the establishment of a restoration site was also calculated. In addition, stepwise regression analysis was used to study the relation between Pn and ACF and the physicochemical properties of crusts. Results showed that Pn was significantly higher at a more established 51‐year‐old restoration site (1·57 µmol m−2 s−1) than at a younger 15‐year‐old site (0·92 µmol m−2 s−1). The ACF also increased significantly with restoration time, but in two temporal phases, a slower ACF phase between 15 and 26 years of restoration (0·28–0·7 gC m−2 y−1) and a high ACF phase after 43–51 years of restoration (3·3 gC m−2 y−1). Stepwise regression analysis revealed that Pn was significantly correlated with chlorophyll a and crust cover, whereas ACF was only correlated with crust cover. Accumulated carbon fixation increased from 2·9 gC m−2 after 15 years to 35·4 gC m−2 at 51 years following establishment of the restoration site. The accumulated carbon fixation was positively correlated with soil organic carbon content. This study demonstrated that carbon fixation by cyanobacterial–algal crusts increased progressively after desert fixation. Artificial measures, like the establishment of these restoration zones, can facilitate the colonization and development of biological soil crusts and are an effective biological tool for desert soil restoration. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
选择合理的输水方案是降低输水工程费用的重要途径,合适的比较方法则是优选方案的前提。该文提出了基于峰谷电价的年费用法作为输水方案的比较方法。在满足输水水量、水压和可靠性的要求下提出不同的输水方案,考虑资金的时间价值、管网的动力费用、峰谷电价、折旧大修费用等因素,计算不同输水方案的最小年费用值,比较其大小,以此作为输水方案的优选依据。  相似文献   
We investigated changes in radiocesium concentrations in a Japanese chestnut (Castanea crenata Sieold &; Zucc.) orchard in Ibaraki prefecture for 3 years after the Tokyo Electric Power Company’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident in March 2011. The radiocesium concentrations in the aboveground organs of Japanese chestnut trees were almost the same, while the concentration in the roots was the lowest among all the organs investigated. The concentration of radiocesium decreased exponentially for 3 years in nuts, leaves and current shoots. The radiocesium concentrations in soils were higher in the surface layer, and the trend of an annual decrease in radiocesium in the soils was similar to that of the natural decay of radiocesium. The transfer factor of radiocesium from soils to nuts of Japanese chestnut decreased annually. These results suggest that radiocesium adhered directly to the aboveground organs of Japanese chestnut trees in March 2011, and that the accumulation of radiocesium in nuts is mainly due to radiocesium transfer from the branches and trunk to nuts several years after the nuclear power plant accident.  相似文献   
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